lördag 7 september 2013

The beginning

Hi and welcome to our blogg!
We are class 8B Värgårdsskolan - Kisa - Sweden. Kisa is a small village located about 250 km south of Stockholm in Östergötland, almost on the border between Östergötland and Småland. In our class we are 23 students and two teachers and as a class journey we decided to let our class travel around the world in the shape of a keyring with all our names. To make this happen we attached a Travel bug to the keyring and placed it in a geocache - Herrskapsdasset GC2WA5A that are located about 500 meters from our school.

On this blog we will post updates about the journey. Please if you help us in our task, by taking the Travel bug, add a comment to our latest update. Tell us how it looks around you so we can experience what you just have seen.

Class 8B